AIDA Framework

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to get started, explore the features, and provide helpful tips


The tool is designed to help you craft engaging content, whether it's for a landing page, an ad copy, or a sales pitch.

It employs the renowned AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) framework to generate material that grabs attention, sparks interest, evokes desire, and prompts action.

By considering your product or service details and your target audience, the tool ensures the output resonates effectively with your potential customers.

Getting Started

To access the tool, sign up for a subscription plan*. After completing the registration process, log in using your credentials.

* here is more about Pro and Free versions. 

Follow these steps to use the tool effectively:

  1. Select the desired AI model (Basic GPT-3.5 or Premium GPT-4) from the dropdown menu.


    Suitable for basic tasks and quicker results, GPT-3.5 consumes fewer tokens and offers faster processing. 

    For more advanced tasks and higher-quality output, select GPT-4 which provides the best results but requires 5x the tokens and has a slower processing speed.

  2. Input your product or service name.

  3. Provide a comprehensive description of your product or service, including features, benefits, and key differentiators.

    Be as detailed as possible in your description. The more specific you are, the better the tool can tailor the output to your product or service. Include all pertinent information, such as unique features, benefits, and what sets your product apart from competitors.

  4. Define your target audience.

    Knowing your audience is crucial for effective marketing. Be specific when defining your audience, as this will help tailor your content to their needs and interests.

  5. Click Generate to create your content.aida-main

  6. Review the generated content.aida-result

    Once satisfied with the result, click "Copy to Clipboard" or "Save to a Document" to store your rewritten content.

Tips for Effective Use of the AIDA Framework

  1. Balance industry jargon with clear language for wider appeal.
  2. Add personality to your descriptions to make them memorable.
  3. Showcase how your product/service transforms the customer's situation.
  4. Use customer insights to define your target audience accurately.

Remember, use the tool as a starting point and customize the output for your specific needs.