Ask Me Anything

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to get started, explore the features, and provide helpful tips


The tool is designed to generate well-thought-out responses to questions on any subject.

It can be used for generating content for blogs, webinars, Q&A sessions, social media posts, interviews, and more.

Getting Started

To access the tool, sign up for a subscription plan*. After completing the registration process, log in using your credentials.

* here is more about Pro and Free versions. 

Follow these steps to use the tool effectively:

  1. Select the desired AI model (Basic GPT-3.5 or Premium GPT-4) from the dropdown menu.


    Suitable for basic tasks and quicker results, GPT-3.5 consumes fewer tokens and offers faster processing. 

    For more advanced tasks and higher-quality output, select GPT-4 which provides the best results but requires 5x the tokens and has a slower processing speed.

  2. Question: enter the question you wish to answer.
  3. Click Generate to receive a comprehensive answer to your question.question-main

  4. Review the generated answer.question-result
    Once satisfied with the result, click "Copy to Clipboard" or "Save to a Document" to store your rewritten content.

Useful Tips for Using the Ask Me Anything Tool

  1. Ask specific questions: the more specific your question, the more detailed and relevant the answer will be.

  2. Use full sentences: for best results, phrase your question as a complete sentence rather than just keywords.

  3. Try different phrasing: if the first response doesn't meet your needs, try rephrasing your question or asking it in a different way.