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  3. AI Studio HubSpot Workflow Actions

Contact Insights Workflow Action

Contact Insights is a HubSpot Workflow Action that works for any object (not just contact based workflows), so you can use it for custom objects as well as contacts. 

Input parameters: 

Contact Linkedin Profile URL (supported are profile public links and Sales Navigator links)

Description type: 

- Essential (shorter version)

- Detailed (longer version)


Output parameters: 

  • Contact Insights: AI generated contact overview. It is saved as a timeline event if Workflow is a contact-based one
  • About: About section from Linkedin profile
  • Company name: Company name from Linkedin profile
  • Profile headline
  • Last job description
  • Job title
  • Location (as specified by contact in his Linkedin profile)
  • Skills


Results of the action:

AI generated contact overview is saved to the contact timeline (for contact-based Workflows).

Example of a timeline event:


It is recommended to create properties and store the output as property values by duplicating the Contact Insights Outputs to their corresponding properties (refer to the image below):



See Contacts Insights in action in demo video: