hs_execution_state of the workflow action shows "BLOCK" instead of AI response

When a workflow action's output contains "hs_execution_state" with the value "BLOCK", it indicates that the AI Studio app has sent a request to the AI and is waiting for the AI to process it.

When you see a Workflow action with an output containing the fields "hs_expiration_duration" and "hs_execution_state" with the values "P2D" and "BLOCK" respectively this is a standard function of HubSpot workflows. 

When the AI Studio app sends a request to the AI, it asks HubSpot to wait until the request is processed. During this waiting period, you may see the "BLOCK" status in the workflow execution state.

Once the AI processes the request, the "BLOCK" status will be replaced by the actual AI response. The presence of the fields "hs_expiration_duration" with the value "P2D" and "hs_execution_state" with the value "BLOCK" indicates that the workflow is currently waiting for the AI to process the request and provide a response.